
الزيارات المنزلية

حرصاً من معامل ترست على راحة عملائنا يمكنك طلب سحب العينات من المنزل
فقط قم بالاتصال بأي فرع من فروعنا مع توضيح العنوان ورقم التليفون ونوع التحليل المطلوب

وسيقوم مندوب من المعمل بالوصول اليك أينما كنت

توصيل النتائج

الاًن يمكنك استلام نتائج التحاليل في منزلك او مكان عملك

 اطلب توصيل نتائج تحاليلك إلي المنزل أو إلي مكان عملك ,ويمكن عرض النتائج الخاصة بك على الانترنت مجاناً في أي وقت  أو اطلب إرسالها إليك عبر الواتساب 01127026096

طاقم العمل

يتكون طاقم معامل ترست من نخبة من أساتذة الجامعات المتخصصين في مجالات التحليل المختلفة وعلى رأسهم الأستاذة الدكتورة سناء عبد الشافي المعروفة بمستواها العلمي العالي ونشرت العديد من الأبحاث الطبية العالمية في مجال التحاليل والتي تهدف إلى رفع مستوى علم التحاليل الطبية.


A variety of discounted packages that fits your needs to check-up on yourself and your loved ones.




Pregnancy tests

Breast Cancer

Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

“نهدف إلى أن نكون خيارك الأول عند إجراء فحوصاتك الطبية”

Prof. Dr. Sanaa Abd El Shafy

Professor of Clinical and Chemical Pathology

شروط إجراء التحاليل

Fasting Blood Glucose

Fasting is required from 6 to 8 hours, and it is allowed to drink water only during the fasting period.

Postprandial glucose analysis (2 hours)

The two hours are required to be counted from the start of eating, and food is required to be eaten within the first ten minutes of the beginning of the two hours. It is not allowed to eat any food during the two hours, only water and treatment, if any, is allowed. Please come to the laboratory at least a quarter of an hour before the end of the two hours.

Glucose Curve

the sample will be taken from the fasting patient, then he/she takes a glucose dose
provided by the laboratory and is calculated according to the weight of each patient, then samples are taken after half an hour, then an hour, then two hours, then three hours after taking the glucose dose. It is not allowed to eat any food or drink during the working period of the curve. Only water and treatment are allowed.

Lipid Profile

Fasting is required from at least 12-14 hours and it is allowed to drink water only during the fasting period.

Semen Analysis

It is required to abstain from sexual intercourse or a wet dream for four consecutive days, and it is preferable to give the sample in the laboratory and preferably the first droplets in the bottle specified for that matter.

Our Services

Corporate Services

Trust labs offer different diverse partnership bundles for all corporate sizes, whether SMEs or stock-listed companies; Trust Labs provides them with needed laboratory and testing services.
For: Banks, Insurance Companies, SMEs and diverse business sectors.


Trust Labs offer next-gen devices and medical testing instruments for small and medium-sized labs, as they expand their testing offerings by establishing a Trust Labs agreement to serve a wider market.
For: Small and medium medical labs.

Walk-in Customers

We are proudly serving our walk-in clients with care and transparency in a professional manner.
For: Everyone!

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